CDM 2015
Advice and Support for Duty Holders
Providing support for Clients and Contractors on commercial projects no matter the size
Providing advice and services to help you comply with your relevant duties under CDM Regulations for Construction projects
The Construction Design Management Regulations place specific responsibilities for safe construction design practices and site management on various specified Duty-Holders. These duties must be formally appointed at the start of a construction project otherwise ALL revert to the Client!
Duty-holders include:
Principle Designer
Principle Contractor
With that in mind Clients need to be sure when their project falls under CDM regs, and act accordingly to ensure that they are compliant to the law. The application of CDM 2015 regulations does not relate to the number of days of work, or the number of people on site- they apply to any construction job, big or small- including demolition. To comply with CDM regs all projects needs to have the right people in the right place, and CDM Safety can provide professional advice and works for any Duty-holder to ensure that this happens:
Advice and appointment of Duty-holders
Pre-Construction information
Submission of F10 to HSE for Notifiable CDM projects
Construction Phase Plan formulation, implementation and control
Ongoing site assessment and Safety point of contact
Site Safety File correlation and advice
Contact CDM Safety to discuss your next Construction project, and ensure that you are compliant with CDM Regulations