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Health & Safety Management Services

Tailored support to suit your needs

H&S Management: Welcome


Take control of safety in your business

Many businesses change shape and size over time in reaction to market changes, growth and new business opportunities.  All too often though in small and medium businesses the central H&S function is left as a bolt on to someone's job, or only addressed reactively following accidents or near misses.  


Legally and morally, safety should be at the forefront of every working day- to protect staff, assets and the business.  Whilst a common sense approach to working is in-disposable, it cannot be relied upon to take a view of the wider picture and safeguard against accidents and injuries in the workplace.  Formal H&S Management arrangements must be in place to assess risks, plan, strategize and implement change.  Performance and compliance needs to be monitored and measured, and to react to changes in industry knowledge and legislation, in order to stay safe and compliant.


For companies that do not have the in-house expertise to undertake this important function, CDM Safety can bridge the gap.  We get to know your business and spend time with your managers and staff to provide a service that supports and compliments your structure, and promotes a positive safety culture.


We can provide services to manage any or all of the main H&S functions:

  • Risk assessment and Safe Systems of Work

  • Procedures and Policy documentations

  • Accident recording, investigation and trend analysis 

  • Control of Substances Hazardous for Health 

  • Routine Auditing

  • Fire and Transport Risk Assessment

  • Identification and arrangement for training requirements 


Contact CDM Safety to start a conversation about safety and compliance in your business

H&S Management: About Me
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